Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Latest Baby News!

Well today Jake and I went to Dr. Isbell for our monthly checkup. Compared to my past year of check ups, this one was a breeze! The longest part of the appointment was waiting to go in the back room. The heart beat sounded great. This was our first time being able to hear the heart beat. Jake was really happy and I was speechless. I go back again in four weeks for the same kind of check up. It won't be long now before we finally get our baby. We've been waiting for this for so long!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Oh, Morning Sickness

First off let me tell you all how sorry I am for not posting in a long time. I haven't been feeling well lately and on the days I feel fine, Jake and I are BUSY! All the spring cleaning, car shows, keeping up with friends, ext. can take up a lot of time. I guess I shouldn't complain to much about the morning sickness, I don't think it has been that bad. Three days I'm sick then the next two, I am fine. My mom keeps telling me how sick she was and how lucky I am not to be camped out by the toilet day and night. The only thing I don't like is that I always seem to get sick at work. Working in a nursing home, there are a lot of BAD SMELLS and sometimes I have to run to the ladies room. I haven't caused any hit and runs yet. Jake is loving the weather and so am I. Sadie can stay outside during the day and run around all she wants. Let's just say she has been sleeping really good at night. I hope this is just the beginning of this wonderful sunshine!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Guess What?!

Hello to everyone out there, Jake here. This is my first post and maybe the most important post of my life. Today Chelsey had a doctor's appointment and it was made known that we are going to have a baby! We first found out three weeks ago that we were pregnant when Chelsey peed on a stick. On Sunday, she will be eight weeks along. We didn't waist any time before telling the grandparents to be about the news due to the bad luck we had this past year (don't ask). My folks were told at the horse races here in town and we told Chelsey's mom and dad the next morning. But today when we got to see the baby on the "big screen" it made it that much better. We have had the names picked for along time. If it is a boy, Wyatt William and if it is a girl, Shelby Rea. Both names have family meaning behind them. The sex of the baby don't matter to me as long as it is healthy and has ten toes and ten fingers. This blogging thing is kind-da fun, I'll have to post more things latter. See ya.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How does it look?

Well it has only been a month since I last posted but just look how cute our blog is getting. I could not have done it without Maren! I am so thankful to have her as a friend and I would be lost without her. Now that I have a better idea on how to "blog" maybe I can get up to date on things. Thanks again Maren!